Would you like to donate and sponsor our 40th Class Reunion?
Donations collected will go towards the cost of the family picnic (we wanted to keep the cost low so everyone could come to at least one day). Anything extra will go towards the extra costs we incur for the Prime 93 event, including door prizes/favors. We are still hoping to add a few fun “extras” if we get enough donations. If the donation is coming from your business, please email us your logo or business card so we can promote it. Please email us at: kenmoreclassof77@gmail.com. A BIG THANK YOU to those that have given so far!
Business Sponsors
Animal Hospital of Delhi Hills
Highland Consulting Associates
Leonard’s Home Remodeling and Repair
Kim | Baker | (Marcus) |
Tom | Barber | |
Gregory | Barker | |
Sheila | Bartlett | (Kriebel) |
Dan | Beeman | |
Jon | Beever | |
Pamela | Bernner | |
Bob | Black | |
Becky | Blackburn | (Zisk) |
Keith | Blake | |
Brad | Boike | |
John | Bost | |
Tonyia Marie | Boyett | |
Beth Ann | Brown | |
Brenda K. | Bukovi | (Porter) |
John | Bunn | |
Mima Jean | Burch | (Ferrebee) |
Richard | Buterbaugh | |
Cheryl | Byrd | (Ciccone) |
David | Cannon | |
Jim | Carr | |
John | Caruso | |
Balinda | Cave | (Blanc) |
Lisa | Chadbourne | (Nicholas) |
Bill | Chalmers | |
Bernice | Chapman | (Zimmer) |
Cheryl | Chatelain | (Hupp) |
Deborah | Chordar | (Howell) |
Ken | Clark | |
David | Clegg | |
Dan | Cline | |
Carl | Coleman | |
Michael | Combs | |
Karl | Conger | |
Kevin | Conley | |
Chris | Cortel | |
Tony | Cross | |
Joe | Czecink | |
Peggy | Daugherty | (Admanson) |
Christine | Davis | (Murray) |
Gregg | Dawkins | |
Mike | DeWitt | |
Tara | Dickens | (Pugh) |
Jean | Dobbins | |
Theresa | Domany | (Bowerman) |
Kathy | Donahue | |
Kathleen | Donohue | (Zickefee) |
Robin | Downey | |
Rick | Dudley | |
Ron T. | Duhon | |
Bob | Duncan | |
Michelle | Dunn | |
Nancy | Edwards | (Spil) |
Richards D. | Edwards | |
Tammy | Egger | |
Ann | Espy | (Lauro) |
Darla | Evans | (Loft) |
Hugh | Evans |
Doug | Fagan | |
Darla | Fair | |
Ron | Fincher | |
Jon | Fink | |
Barb | Fisher | |
Ervin | Flaitz | |
James | Fluharty | |
Jerry | Fornadel | |
Joellen | Futo | |
Gary | Gaffga | |
Carla | Ganyu | (Campbell) |
Cathy | Gerber | |
Kelly | Givens | (Byers) |
Heidi | Glenn | (Klein) |
Linda | Glenn | |
Tammy | Gough | |
Jeff | Gray | |
Cliff | Green | |
Mark S. | Gruic | |
Gerald | Gsellman | |
Tammy | Hardgrove | (Shomo) |
Nancy | Harris | (Fabian) |
Richard Carl | Haskins | |
Gary | Hemminger | |
Cathy | Heppe | |
Jay | Jewell | |
Frances | Johns | (Nalley) |
Debbie L. | Johnston | |
Don | Johnston | |
Debbie | Jones | |
Mark | Jones | |
Tim | Jones | |
Gary | Jordon | |
Tami | Justine | (Gardner) |
Vickie | Karruth | |
Bettie | Keener | |
Steve | Kimson | |
Bob | King | |
Suzanne | King | (Turich) |
Robert | Klein | |
Larry | Kossick | |
Teresa | Krieger | (Greer) |
Debbie | Labarre | |
Lori | Lackney | |
Christopher Lee | Ladd | |
Terry | Lambert | |
Janet | Lees | (Dickmander) |
Sheri | Lehman | (Marchum) |
Zachary .K. | Leonard | |
Terry | Lieberth | |
Gary | Limbert | |
Nancy | Lindsay | |
Clarence | Litner | |
Tony | Lombardi | |
Vince | Lombardi | |
Sheila | Looney | (Thomas) |
Linda | Lowe | |
Pamela Ann | Lunsford | |
Sharon | Marsh | (Cyca) |
Rick | Martin | |
Denise | McAvinew | (Bost) |
Mark | McAvinew | |
James | McCann | |
Dave | McCommons | |
Jim | McConnaughey | |
Michael Patick | McGlone | |
Mary | McKee | |
Deborah | McLane | (Gary) |
Bryan | Meckes | |
Danny | Meekes | |
John | Megyes | |
Kathy | Megyes | |
Janet | Meredith | |
Brenda | Metz | |
Dave | Michelli | |
Shane | Midcap | |
Kyle | Miller | |
Marcus | Miller | |
April | Morehead | |
Rhonda | Morris | (Johns) |
Laura | Mudd | |
Cathy | Murray | |
Nancy | Myers | |
Ray | Neal | |
Mark R. | Neely | |
John | Nelson | |
Melody Ann | Nichols | (Kopher) |
Rose | Ochs | (Gostlin) |
Pam | Ollison | |
Norman | Oster | |
Dawn | Ott | (Sues) |
Janell | Ott | (Lavery) |
Debbie | Palmieri | |
William Joseph | Pangburn | |
William | Parks | |
Murley Denise | Paul | |
Jim | Payne | |
Jim | Pearl | |
Renee | Peel | (Christensen) |
Thomas | Penko | |
Dwaine | Peyton | |
Patricia | Phillips | |
Cynthia | Plasity | |
Don | Pless | |
Jane | Pohutsky | (Prettyman) |
Kevin | Price | |
Ron | Pulliam | |
Joseph L. | Putt | |
Tammy | Rhodback | (Gonzlesz) |
Doug | Richards | |
Tonya | Slabaugh | (Boyett) |
Amy | Smith | |
Brenda | Smith | (Hurley) |
Brenda | Smith | |
Eric | Smith | |
Kim | Smith | (Simmons) |
Lisa | Snyder | |
Craig | Sopko | |
Cindy | Spahr | |
John | Speelmann | |
Susan | Stewart | |
Michael | Stickland | |
Steve | Stolar | |
Dave | Stoler | |
William | Stone | |
Sheri | Stover | |
Kimberly | Straley | |
Sue | Straub | |
Christine | Street | (Ravy) |
Mike | Sues | |
Jonathon | Talbott | |
Kathy | Tannhof | |
Deanna | Thomas | (Kramer) |
Richard | Thomas | |
Cheryl | Vanhorn | |
Steve | Vargo | |
Phil (Rusty) | Vaughn | |
Debra | Wagoner | (Hoefling) |
Richard | Walker | |
Judith | Waskey | (Thoma) |
Joe | Wassam | |
Pattie | Weed | (Wichie) |
Jim | Weese | |
Judy Lynn | Wells | |
Cindy | Wheeler | (Hout) |
Russell | White | |
Randy | Wicks | |
Debbie | Wikie | |
Debbie | Wilson | (Pullin) |
Kevin | Wise | |
Deborah | Witte | |
Diane | Wolfe | (Costlow) |
Ricky | Yates |
April Reunion Meeting Update
Another 40th Reunion Meeting was held this week! We are working out the final details, a few glitches and still looking for missing classmates (a list will be posted soon so you can help us find them). We are still hoping to provide the picnic outing for FREE or at a...
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